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In this only surviving family Bible, JOHN ADAMS implores his granddaughter to "attend to the examples of exalted piety and divine charity than to the ingenious disputations of learned men...which, strange to tell, instead of producing peace and goodwill to men have deluged the Christian World in innocent blood..."


American Founding Father, 2nd president of the United States, and champion of religious freedom JOHN ADAMS hand-signed and inscribed family Holy Bible Containing both the Old and New Testaments, gifted to his granddaughter CAROLINE AMELIA DeWINDT (alternatively, "DeWINT", as the family name was later Americanized from the earlier Dutch spelling).


The inscription written by Adams provides excellent insight into Adams' own interpretation of the Bible and his view on the potential consequences of disputes due to flawed understandings of its texts. This is the only Adams family Bible ever to come to market.


Notably, the DeWINDT Bible also contains important accounts of the deaths of key family members including her Grandfather JOHN ADAMS, First Lady ABIGAIL ADAMS, and son and 6th US President – her Uncle – JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. An excellent primary source for the histories of one of America's most powerful political families.


The Adams Bible contains a presentation inscription from John Adams to his granddaughter located on the front flyleaf. A section of the inscription was torn away, as such the missing sections of the first five lines have been restored in Caroline Amelia DeWindt's hand. Adams writes:


"John [Adams presents this sacred volume to his grand-daughter, Caroline] Amelia [de Wint, the only daughter of his beloved child, Abigail Smith, with] his bles[sing and affectionate advice to attend to the] examples of exalted piety and divine charity than [to the ingenious] disputations of learned men concerning texts of doubtful [or deficient] interpretation or metaphysical disquisitions on doctrinal points too profound perhaps for any understand merely human ever to decide or comprehend; but which, strange to tell, instead of producing peace and goodwill to men have deluged the Christian World in innocent blood. Quincy. July 28, 1815"


Caroline Amelia DeWindt was the only daughter of Abigail "Nabby" Adams, beloved daughter of John and Abigail Adams, and sister of 6th President John Quincy Adams. Nabby would tragically die from advanced breast cancer in 1813.


Many years later, Caroline Amelia DeWindt would suffer her own horrific death, drowning in a steamship disaster on the Hudson River in 1852 while traveling with her daughter and son-in-law, Andrew Jackson Downing. Both DeWindt and Downing would perish in the river after escaping the steamship fire – an account of which was captured within the pages of the Bible.


Just five years later, the mysterious burning of DeWindt's "Cedar Grove" family estate resulted in the loss not only of the entire homestead but of priceless Adams family heirlooms such as a Copley painting of their beloved late daughter, "Nabby", and many other priceless manuscripts, books, artifacts, and letters.


Sale includes accompanying original LOA from the highly-respected JSA (James Spence Authentication) who have thoroughly examined the handwriting and determined the unrestored portion of text to be in the hand of second US President, John Adams. 


Condition is as shown. 4to. Illustrated plates. (Spotting and browning throughout, a few leaves with small repairs.) Subsequently rebound in contemporary red Morocco gilt, covers with Greek key roll-tooled border, "Caroline Amelia DeWint" gilt-stamped on upper cover (neatly rebacked to style, a few other repairs, overall rubbing and wear consistent with over 200 years of use and handling).


Publishing Information: The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments. New York: Collins and Co., 1814


Sold as is, as shown.

JOHN ADAMS * JSA * Autograph Family Bible Signed & Gifted to his Granddaughter


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